Explore Vera Audio

Vera Audio is developing a world class horn speaker with exceptional constant directivity, active with external DSP to achieve time aglignment and linear phase, and the use of external amplification to drive each driver. Picture above shows the midbass horn with practical no floor bounce. A midrange horn on top that extends the horizontal directivity all the way up to 18 kHz will accompany it together with a separate bass solution.
About us/philosophy

The word Vera originate from latin and means true. This also describes the goal of Vera Audio.
Our focus is to bring honesty and a non snake-oil approach into the audio industry. We believe in an objective based approach where measurement and listening goes hand in hand. A measurement alone is meaningless unless it is related to what we hear. However, combined with our knowledge of our perception and psychoacoustics, measurements are a vital tool in creating great audio products. Vera Audio strives to find the relationship between audio perception and measurements and uses this knowledge in developing products.
We also firmly believe in offering products at honest prices and keeping a high integrity in everything we do. Obviously, we need to make money like anyone else in business, but we do not believe in setting high prices simply because we can or as an approach to fool the customer into believing that high price alone must mean high quality.
– No extreme mark-up as a marketing strategy to fool people
– No unhealthy relationship with magazines or writers that can promise us good reviews
– No hype or over-exaggerated message or lyrics to mislead and misguide people but honest language of what can be expected
– Provide measurements and data so the customer can know what they are buying